Finished homes at Gem and Orchid Waterfront.

Apartment Livingroom
Apartment Livingroom
Apartment Livingroom
Apartment Livingroom
Apartment Livingroom
Apartment Livingroom
Apartment Dining Area
Apartment Dining Area
Apartment Kitchen
Apartment Kitchen
Apartment Kitchen
Apartment Kitchen
Apartment Primary Bedroom
Apartment Primary Bedroom
Apartment Second Bedroom
Apartment Second Bedroom
Apartment Third Bedroom
Apartment Third Bedroom
Apartment Third Bedroom
Apartment Third Bedroom
Apartment Ensuite Bathroom
Apartment Ensuite Bathroom
Apartment Ensuite Bathroom
Apartment Ensuite Bathroom
Villa Livingroom
Villa Livingroom
Villa Livingroom
Villa Livingroom
Villa Dining Area
Villa Dining Area
Villa Kitchen
Villa Kitchen
Villa Upstairs
Villa Primary Bedroom
Villa Primary Bedroom
Villa Primary Bedroom
Villa Primary Bedroom
Villa Ensuite Bathroom
Villa Ensuite Bathroom
Villa Ensuite Bathroom
Villa Ensuite Bathroom
Villa Second Bedroom
Villa Second Bedroom
Villa Third Bedroom/Office
Villa Third Bedroom/Office
Villa Third Bedroom/Office
Villa Third Bedroom/Office
Villa Stairway
Villa Stairway
Villa Exterior
Villa Exterior
Villa Exterior
Villa Exterior
Villa Exterior
Villa Exterior
Gem block J sample home
Gem block J sample home
Gem beachfront swimming pool under construction
Gem beachfront swimming pool under construction
Gem blocks K, L, M, N front
Gem block J front
Gem block J rear
Gem blocks L & M in finishing phase
Gem blocks J & K in finishing phase
Gem block E under construction
Gem blocks F, G, H under construction
Gem community building and central swimming pool
Gem community building and central swimming pool
Gem community building interior
Gem community building interior
Gem tennis court area
Gem villas V51, V52, V53
Gem villas V58, V60, V62
Gem villas V61, V59, V57, V55
Gem villas V42, V43 under construction
Gem villas V1, V32, V31 under construction
Gem villa V7 under construction
Orchid community building
Orchid Blocks C and D in finishing phase
Orchid villas V2, V4, V6, V8 in finishing phase
Orchid villas V1, V3, V5, V7 in finishing phase
Orchid beachfront swimming pool under construction
Orchid beachfront swimming pool under construction
Orchid Block B
Orchid Block A
Orchid villas V9, V10, V11
Gem Blocks E, F, G, H under construction
Gem Blocks E, F, G, H under construction
Gem villas
Gem blocks J & K in finishing phase
Gem blocks L & M in finishing phase
Gem blocks J – N
Gem common building
Orchid villas
Orchid blocks A & B under construction
Orchid block A under construction
Orchid block B under construction
Orchid block D in finishing phase
Orchid block C in finishing phase
Orchid blocks C & D
Orchid common building
Gem blocks J – M
Gem blocks J – M
Gem blocks J – M
Gem blocks J – M
Gem Phase II underway
Gem blocks J – M interior

Gem Blocks M & N
Gem Block L & M
Gem Blocks K & L
Gem Blocks J & K
Gem Villas
Gem Common/Community Building
Orchid Block B
Orchid Block D
Orchid Block C
Orchid Villas
Orchid Common/Community Building

Gem Blocks M & N
Gem Block L & M
Gem Blocks L & K
Gem Blocks L & K
Gem Block L
Gem Blocks J & K
Gem Block J
Gem view from Block K, second floor
Gem villas of phase 1
Gem common/community building has begun construction
Orchid Block D
Orchid Block C
Orchid Phase 2 is underway! Block B begun construction
Orchid phase 1 villas have begun construction
Orchid common/community building is preparing for construction

Gem Blocks M & N

Gem Blocks K & L

Gem Blocks J & K

Orchid Block D

Orchid Block C

Orchid First Floor View

Gem Blocks M & N

Gem Blocks K & L

Gem Blocks J & K

Gem Block K

Gem upper floor views

Orchid Block D

Orchid Block C

Orchid upper floor view

Gem Blocks J, K

Orchid Block D

Gem Waterfront